Clinical Externships

What You Can Anticipate During Your Clinical Externship

Gain Practical Experience Before Graduation

SUI programs include hands-on clinical externships that enhance your skills and readiness for a smooth entry into the professional world after graduation.

Learn from experts, engage with patients

In your clinical externship, professionals from diverse settings such as hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, pharmacies, and veterinary offices will provide mentorship. This is your chance to apply classroom-acquired skills in real-world scenarios.

Apply classroom skills practically in real-world

We start preparing you for these externships right from day one. Our SUI campus is equipped with tools that replicate real-world settings, ensuring that you train with the same equipment you'll encounter during your clinical externship.

Anticipating Your Clinical Externship Experience

Essential Component for Most
On-Campus Programs

Clinical externships are obligatory for successful completion of a considerable number of our on-campus programs. We incorporate these externships into our curriculum due to their paramount value as learning platforms. These opportunities not only allow you to solidify your classroom-acquired skills, but also to augment your knowledge through direct collaboration with healthcare experts and active engagement with real patients.

Certain programs encompass
externship rotations

This presents a moment for you to inquire, become familiar with diverse methods, enhance your customer service aptitude, and conquer real-life obstacles encountered in a practical setting.

Exploring Clinical Externship Expectations

Expand Your Horizons to Career Prospects

Yet another significant benefit of participating in these clinical externships is the exposure they offer to various job opportunities. Many of our externs often receive attractive job offers right after completing their program.

Enhance Your Resume with Fundamental Skills

Even if your externship site doesn't have open positions now, you can request a recommendation letter from your supervisor and incorporate your experience into your resume. This provides a strong foundation as you enter your professional journey or pursue further education in your chosen field.

Access Comprehensive Career Support

Struggling with job hurdles or aiming to advance beyond entry-level roles? At SUI, we're committed to your triumph. Whether you recently graduated or it's been a while, our expert Career Services team is ready to assist. From refining your resume to guiding your job search, we'll ensure you're prepared for your next career move.

What Are My Responsibilities?

Your clinical externship experience is designed to closely resemble the responsibilities of your future role within your chosen career field. During this period, you will be assigned predefined objectives to fulfill, maintain a specified workload, receive valuable constructive feedback, and strive to attain well-defined targets. In the context of externships, this entails achieving a passing evaluation from your externship site, which is pivotal for attaining your certificate or degree.

Additionally, your externship provides an ideal platform to exhibit your professional competencies and uphold exemplary conduct standards. This encompasses traits such as punctuality, meticulousness, professionalism, empathy, and a positive demeanor.

Showcase your professionalism

Showcase your skills

Showcase your positive attitude

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