Here are some key components to look at that might help you to pursue the great career. MRI technicians are highly respected and valuable in the Medical Field. They help to provide doctors and nurses with vital information about patient’s health with immense accuracy. Without MRI Technicians, we could not be sure about specific diagnosis with patients as we are today. MRI Techs also make a good living. According to the National censuses, the average MRI Tech can make up to $35 an hour. This includes great benefits along with very flexible hours depending on your employer Becoming an MRI Tech is not as hard as it may seem! You can generally become an MRI Tech in 1-2 years. Another thing that is required is an Associate’s degree in Radiation Tech or other related subjects. Along with an MRI Tech Degree which can be acquired from various schools such as SUI. With some experience and volunteering hours, big companies such as Kaiser or Sutter will be more than willing to hire a fine trained professional. What are you waiting for? Star your training in making a career as an MRI tech today!
What you need to know about accreditation.
Accreditation is a designation that ensures you will receive a high-quality education as a student of that institution. Accreditation is determined after a college, university, or other institution of higher education goes through a rigorous review and assessment by a respected, independent accreditation organization. Accrediting bodies that are recognized by the US Department of Education are listed on the website. An accreditation organization’s job is to examine the institution’s capacity to meet best practices as outlined in professional standards. A degree or diploma from an accredited institution like Sacramento Ultrasound Institute ensures that your diploma or degree will be respected and recognized for the true educational achievement it represents by current and future employers, colleagues, and peers. How You Benefit From an Accredited College or University College accreditation is certain to have significant short- and long-term consequences in your life, beginning with your first class and continuing throughout the trajectory of your chosen career, such as: Providing a High-Quality Educational Experience Attending an accredited SUI means that you will enjoy the expertise and guidance of high-caliber instructors, the comprehensive education that comes from a robust curriculum, and the ease of state-of-the-art technology that smoothly delivers online education. You can be confident that your chosen program has passed the intense scrutiny and high standards of an independent accreditation organization. To retain the distinguished status of accreditation, Sacramento Ultrasound Institute participates in a thorough months-long recertification process every 4 years with Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools, an independent accreditation corporation founded in 1969. Increasing Your Chances of Getting a Job Accredited degrees are an important qualification employers seek in job candidates. Most employers routinely review job applicants’ educational credentials to make sure their education comes from a college, university, or program with accreditation. If you have a degree, diploma, or certificate from a school without accreditation, it could easily stop you from getting a promotion or a coveted position with another company. Paving the Way for State Licensing If your job requires state licensure—like nurses, teachers, social workers, certified public accountants, and other professionals—it is common for states to require that you have a degree from an accredited college or university. Improving Your Eligibility for Federal Loans and Grants If you are depending on financial aid from federal loans and grants to further your education, you need to enroll in a college or university that has accreditation. Otherwise, you could be denied the necessary financial support you require. In the United States, organizations such as the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) review accreditation organizations to make sure they are using effective accrediting practices. Specifically, the ED must keep watch to make sure that all federal student financial aid funds are being used for worthwhile academic institutions and programs that are giving students the quality education they deserve. If a college or university is not accredited, that raises a red flag that can cause federal financial aid requests to be denied.
DMS Advanced Admissions Amendment
Effective March 8, 2016, SUI will be requiring applicants to the DMS Advanced program to obtain an Associate’s Degree prior to enrollment at SUI. Please refer to the amendment for more information.
#KidTopia is Sacramento’s coolest festival built for kids, offering everything kids of all ages will love. From giant slides and inflatables to Mad Science Experiments, Crafts, Giggle Grams, Selfie Galleries, Sports, Video Games, Gold Panning and Cool vendors for Mom and Dad plus interactive areas with fun for all kids. Bouncetopia – Climb, slide, bounce and test your skills in a land filled with inflatable fun! 30’ Giant Slide, Jurassic Adventure Obstacle Course, Melt Down Mania, a Rat Race for Humans and so many more! Discovertopia – Featuring hands-on and take home science experiments from Mad Science. Experience Weird Science, Fun-Damental Forces, Magnetic Bridge Challenge plus a booth where you can make your own slime to take home! Sportstopia – Get your sports on and try out a new sport…Air Tennis, Archery, T-Ball and the Three Pointer Challenge are just a few of the fun sports activities for everyone to score big at! Craftopia – Fair Oaks Parks & Recreation will work with kids to create 4 cool crafts that they can bring home as souvenirs. Build a paperclip airplane, a beautiful butterfly, beaded bracelets and more! Video Gametopia – Kids can dance the day away, make a music video and test their skills with today’s hottest new video games. Dance Dance Revolution!, Dance Heads, NBA 2K16, Madden ’16 and many more. Booktopia – Join the Sacramento Library for story telling time with Otter Bee or kick back on a bean bag chair and read one of your favorite books. Plus you can spin a prize wheel and WIN free prizes!!! PLUS… • Meet Sacramento Kings Dancers • Go back in time and strike it rich as you hunt for gold and jewels at our Marshall State Park gold panning center. • Create and send “Gigglegrams” to your BFF! • Snap some shots in our selfie gallery! • For a small fee you can play in our Bobble Lagoon and jump, flip and twirl in the Eurojump trampoline. • Temptations for every tummy will be available for purchase at the #Kidtopia Food Court…Burgers, pizza, tacos, nachos, cotton candy, chicken strips, French fries and BBQ, ice cream as well as some healthy treats!!! • Pinatas
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Career Outlook
The career outlook for sonography is looking great, but why? The main reason is that sonography is a much safer and cost-effective route compared to radiological procedures. Between the years of 2012 to 2022, there should be a 46% job growth for this field. A large percent of sonographers were placed in general medical and surgical hospitals in 2013, but a significant amount were also placed in physician offices, diagnostic laboratories or outpatient care centers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics diagnostic medical sonographers earned a median salary of $66,410 in 2013. California is one of the states that pays well.